Monday, March 3, 2014

The Shooting Star

That night, I wished for love on a shooting star
And then you came to my life
As if you were always close
And not very far…

You came and knocked

The door of my heart
Reminding me of the journey
Which was yet to start.

Your soothing smile;

Your eyes so bright.
You took me in your arms,
So gently, yet so tight.

Our lips then met,

With a promise to be with each other
Forever and ever…
Letting go all the inhibitions
Saying the world,
That we do not bother,nor we care.

We were in love,

A love that was about loving,
More than that, twas about,
True longing and belonging…

Every second of that night,

Made me feel so truly beautiful;
I was experiencing love
That was so limitless,
passionate and so unconditional.

I closed my eyes

And felt you with me
Transcending into a different world
Where I was you and you were me...

The night gradually slipped

Witnessing our passion
And the sun shone brightly
But with a different inclination.

The first ray of sun

Told me a new story
The love I had loved
Was not there
But had left me forever
Just like a cherished memory..

I was left alone,

shocked and ajar,
But till date,
I wish for you on a shooting star,
Wishing that u are still near,
And have not gone so far!

Image Credit

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome poem!! Very passionate...