Monday, December 29, 2008

Fashion is all about being yourself!

A SYNONYM for beauty, glamour and style, fashion is misunderstood by many of us. Fashion is not what makes you look stylish and ravishing; rather it is that aspect about you, which reflects the real you. For every individual, fashion can be different, but basics remain same – the individual in you.

Fashion doesn’t mean to be a copy cat and adopt the style of others but it is about making people follow your style. It is about setting up the trend. There are times when due to ignorance we are unable to create our impression in the world of fashion but as it is said, “whenever you lose, never lose the lesson”. Here are some of the common fashion mistakes and the ways to avoid them:

Know yourself- Never try to ape others; accept the fact that every individual is different and try to understand yourself. Be aware of your body and your comfort level.
Maintain personal hygiene - Hygiene forms a major part of your personality. From your head to toe, try being neat; neatly combed hair, sparkling teeth, well trimmed nails, and pedicured feet.
These tiny details will take you a long way.

Respect the occasion - How would you react to a person who arrives on a sport event in a zari bordered sari? There are people who dress up for themselves and not for the occasion. Right attitude comes when you are dressed to match the occasion.

Adequate makeup - The natural look is always appreciated. So make minimum use of makeup and if applied, use it in a way that it does not give an overt impression. Again remember to use make-up according to the time and occasion.

Wear proper sized attire - Be it your outfit, undergarment or your footwear, always wear proper size – neither too baggy nor too tight. A misfit wear will only create a bad impression.

Smile - The most important thing is, never put off that smile. No matter how nicely you dress up… you can never make a fashion statement without your sweet and honest smile. So always wear it...and trust me, you will look your best!